Amazing Open House
On Saturday, March 3, the staff of Alexandria to the opened the doors to our families and public to share in the wonderful world of Montessori. We had a tremendous turnout. Our current families were able to see and appreciate their children's work and our visitors spent time getting acquainted with the teachers and our environment. Sharing the school and the Montessori philosophy with newcomers was inspiring.
As an authentic Montessori school, it is our responsibility to strictly adhere to the principles of Dr. Montessori by having the the following: Montessori trained teachers, multi-age classrooms, the full complement of Montessori materials, child-driven work and uninterrupted work periods. Each day we are proud to demonstrate these principles in each of our classrooms
A special thank you to the lead teachers, Jessie O'Brien 3-6 and Amy Weller 6-9, for working so mindfully with the students and always being so prepared. Anissa Bell and Molly Goudy, assistant teachers respectively, are an integral part of our success. Our 9-12 class is thriving with activity.